Did you know that this year, September 10, is not only Teachers’ Day, we also have the Mid-Autumn Festival. This week’s theme is to talk about your favorite teachers and what you would like to say to them. We also invite parents to talk about their feelings and suggestions for the future development of the club.
双节同庆 念师恩。 小伙伴们,你们知道吗?今年的9月10日,不仅是教师节,同时也是中秋节,双节同庆,既有喜悦,也有感恩。让我们一同赏月念师恩,本周的主题,聊一聊你最喜欢的老师,以及最想对老师说的话。恰逢中秋佳节、也邀请各位家长聊聊一年来的感受和对俱乐部未来的发展建议。
Start Time 开始时间
9/10 8pm BST 9/10 8am Toronto time
9/10 北京时间晚8点 9/10 多伦多时间早上8点